Friday, May 18, 2007

Zimoko Kwanbiri Zambia!

If you don't speak Nyanja, one of the many languages spoken in Zambia, I should proabably tell you what the above means; "Thank you Zambia"
After debating with myself over 'the best' blog name about a million times, Zimoko Kwanbiri seemed just right.
I'm Thankful for so many things. I am thankful for the incredible people here in Zambia who have welcomed us and greeted us with extra-bright and radiant smiles. I am thankful also for my EWBees at uOttawa, my family, friends and everyone else who has helped me get here to experience possibly the greatest learning roller coaster in my life!
I will also be thankful constantly for everything and everyone around me but i'll stop there to avoid sounding too mushy. check out if you want some of that.
That's it. That's the intro. Check back here for more. Hopefully this blog will be even more addictive than Facebook! Oh yea!
Take the Plunge,


a+j said...

Allo Ziadh! je voulais juste te dire que je suis très fière de toi, et que tu es en train de passer un "Honey Moon" (JF trainging talk) incroyable en Zambie!

Es-tu déjà arrivé à ta destination finale? ou habites-tu?

J'ai hate de recevoir de tes nouvelles!! Eugénie m'a dit qu'elle t'a appellé l'autre jour, ca doit faire du bien!

A bientot Zizi!


Clement said...

Hey Ziadh!

What a great name for a blog!

Did you get a nickname yet? You know you will always be my little zizi no matter what!!

Anyways, I won't bombard you with questions (yet), besides, alex already asked what I wanted to know...

Take care Z and keep us posted, we're dying to hear from you!


Eugénie said...


Je voulais juste te dire que je "t'apprécie" beaucoup! Et je t'ai pas oublié...pas encore ;)

La prochaine fois qu'on se parle, rappelle moi de faire ma job de "liaison officer" et de planifier un temps où tu pourrais parler avec le chapter!

Mais entouka, on s'en reparle!

Ouzhini! (with an exclamation mark!)


Unknown said...

I have enjoyed checking out your blogs on your visits to Zambia. Just wanted to correct you on how to spell "thank you" in ChiNyanja...It's ZIKOMO - looks like your letters are switched around.